DGRC Account Creation Overview

Each person who wishes to order from the DGRC must create a UserID.

Principal Investigators (Grant Holder/Lab Head) must create a main Lab Account for their lab. Members of their research group can then register as authorized users. First, follow the instructions for creating a User ID and then set up your Lab Account.

Students, post-docs, technicians, lab managers or purchasing agents, may not create the main Lab Account. After following instructions for creating a User ID, these users must request to be added to the PI's main Lab Account for access to the ordering system.

We use the Lab Account to provide statistical accounts of our operations to our granting agencies.

Citing the DGRC

When publishing experiments using materials obtained from the DGRC please follow the citation guidelines on the material's stock page, including citing the Drosophila Genomics Resource Center, supported by NIH grant 2P40OD010949, in the acknowledgments. Your cooperation helps us when we need to renew our grant as well as the researchers that donate materials to the DGRC.