The modENCODE consortium has agreed to use 4 cell lines for all of the projects that will be done with cell lines, and to handle these lines with standard protocols in order to maximize the uniformity of the cells used for experiments in the many labs that form the consortium. The protocols that are accessed from this page are intended to provide common procedures to maintain uniformity among the labs. Please stick as closely as you can to these procedures for modENCODE experiments, even though the cells may grow perfectly well with variant versions of the protocols. We will update these protocols from time to time, but we will keep the actual procedures for handling cells invariant for the duration of the modENCODE project.

Citing the DGRC

When publishing experiments using materials obtained from the DGRC please follow the citation guidelines on the material's stock page, including citing the Drosophila Genomics Resource Center, supported by NIH grant 2P40OD010949, in the acknowledgments. Your cooperation helps us when we need to renew our grant as well as the researchers that donate materials to the DGRC.