Frequently Asked Questions about Orders and Payments

How do I place an order?

All DGRC orders must be placed through the website. A member of the lab account must log in with their User ID to place the order. The member of the lab places items in the online lab cart and then proceeds to checkout. At checkout, one or more of the following payment options may be available:

For all orders:

How do I pay for an order?

DGRC orders can be paid for by credit card, by check, or by wire transfer.

How do I place an order by quote and purchase order?

  • At the bottom of the Lab Cart, select "Generate a Quote."
  • Follow the instructions for generating the quote.
  • Print the quote and submit it to your purchasing department for approval.
  • Your purchasing department then needs to create a purchase order, referring to the quote, and email it to us according to the instructions found near the bottom of the page on the printed quote.
  • We must have a purchase order document emailed to us, not just a number.
  • The invoice will be sent to the address designated on the purchase order for payment.

I am a member of an Indiana University lab. How do I pay for my order?

According to IU policy, the DGRC cannot accept credit card or check payment from other departments inside the university. If you are ordering from an IU lab, your orders must be paid by internal billing.

  • At the bottom of the Lab Cart, select "Generate a Quote"
  • Follow the instructions for generating the quote.
  • Print your newly-generated quote for submission to your Fiscal Officer.
  • Fiscal Officers should email the quote page with reference to IU account number to
  • Please be sure both the quote number and account number are present when emailing your order. We cannot process your order without these reference numbers.

Do you accept blanket purchase orders?

Regrettably, we cannot accept blanket purchase orders. We can accept the following forms of payment:

How do I pay by credit card?

Credit Card transactions are processed by FlexPay. You will be redirected to FlexPay to enter your payment card information. Credit cards can only be accepted through our secure website. Please do not fax, email, or call with a credit card number.

How does an institutional purchasing agent pay for me by credit card?

The institutional purchasing agent needs to be a member of the DGRC Lab Account. See more about inviting members. The purchasing agent should log on to the lab account and:

  • On the "My Account" screen, check the unpaid invoices to be paid.
  • Select "Pay Selected Orders By Credit Card."

How do I pay by wire transfer?

Contact DGRC Help for this information. We cannot post the banking information on the website.

How do I pay an invoice?

You can submit the invoice to your purchasing or accounts payable representative or department for processing:

  • If the invoice has a purchase order number on it, submit it to your purchasing or accounts payable representative or department for processing.
  • If the invoice does not have a purchase order number on it, submit it to your purchasing or accounts payable representative or department for processing, and confirm for them that you ordered and received the materials listed.
  • If your purchasing or accounts payable representative or department has any questions or needs more information, please have them contact us directly at DGRC Help.

How do I obtain a receipt?

The DGRC website is designed to provide this documentation directly. To access this information:

  • At the top of the page, hover over "My Account" and select "View Orders" from the drop down menu.
  • Select the order number.
  • Select "Printable Version" from the top of the page.
This documentation is immediately available at the time the order is placed.

Citing the DGRC

When publishing experiments using materials obtained from the DGRC please follow the citation guidelines on the material's stock page, including citing the Drosophila Genomics Resource Center, supported by NIH grant 2P40OD010949, in the acknowledgments. Your cooperation helps us when we need to renew our grant as well as the researchers that donate materials to the DGRC.