
DGRC Stock Number: 1515318


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Price: $60.00

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To cite BS07106

When publishing experiments using BS07106, please include the following details in your manuscript.

  • Materials and Methods
    BS07106 (DGRC Stock 1515318 ; ; RRID:DGRC_1515318)
  • Acknowledgements
    • Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (NIH Grant 2P40OD010949)
Species Drosophila melanogaster
Flybase Id Flybase doesn't contain information on this clone.
Associated Genes CG9629 (FBgn0036857)
Base Vector pDNR-Dual
Collections BDGP ORF Collection
Source cDNA GH05218
Collection Well Status Note
BDGP ORF Collection ORF XS.029|E|4 Available