
DGRC Stock Number: 335


Synonyms: NAMRU2-CQ-01-1.7 , Hsu-1.7

Donor: Enzo Mameli (Perrimon Lab)

FlyBase Report: FBtc0000335

Cellosaurus Report: CVCL_B3N4

Only available to not-for-profit labs


  • RMCE
  • mosquito


  • New Cell Lines
  • Other Species

MTA required for not-for-profit labs:

Price: $340.00

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To cite NAMRU2-CQ-01-1.7

When publishing experiments using NAMRU2-CQ-01-1.7 , please include the following details in your manuscript.

  • Materials and Methods
    NAMRU2-CQ-01-1.7 (DGRC Stock 335 ; ; RRID:CVCL_B3N4)
  • Acknowledgements
    • Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (NIH Grant 2P40OD010949)
    • DRSC-BTRR at Harvard Medical School (NIH P41 GM132087)
  • References
    Viswanatha et al, 2021, bioRxiv (Reference Link)
Recommended Medium
  • Schneider's + 10% FCS + 1X Pen/Strep + 1X MEM/NEAA
Species Culex quinquefasciatus
Primary Reference Viswanatha et al., 2021, Nature Communications
Lab Of Origin DRSC
Stage Source adult
Tissue Source ovary
Sex female ( basis: Modified from parental line derived from female adults. - Awaiting FlyBase Reference ID )

Doubling times have not been tested on any media.