
DGRC Stock Number: 333


Donor: Raguvir Viswanatha (Perrimon Lab)

FlyBase Report: FBtc0000333

Cellosaurus Report: CVCL_B3N2

Only available to not-for-profit labs


  • RMCE
  • mosquito


  • New Cell Lines
  • Other Species

MTA required for not-for-profit labs:

Price: $340.00

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To cite Sua-5B-IE8

When publishing experiments using Sua-5B-IE8, please include the following details in your manuscript.

  • Materials and Methods
    Sua-5B-IE8 (DGRC Stock 333 ; ; RRID: CVCL_B3N2)
  • Acknowledgements
    • Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (NIH Grant 2P40OD010949)
    • DRSC-BTRR at Harvard Medical School (NIH P41 GM132087)
  • References
    Viswanatha et al, 2021, bioRxiv (Reference Link)
Recommended Medium
  • Schneider's + 10% FCS + 1X Pen/Strep
Species Anopheles coluzzii
Primary Reference Viswanatha et al., 2021, Nature Communications
Lab Of Origin DRSC
Stage Source larval stage
Tissue Source larva

Doubling times have not been tested on any media.