
DGRC Stock Number: 1660379


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To cite HsCD00507074

When publishing experiments using HsCD00507074, please include the following details in your manuscript.

  • Materials and Methods
    HsCD00507074 (DGRC Stock 1660379 ; https://dgrc.bio.indiana.edu//stock/1660379 ; RRID:DGRC_1660379)
  • Acknowledgements
    • Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (NIH Grant 2P40OD010949)
Species Homo sapiens
Collections Human ORF
Human Gene NDUFS7   ( Entrez , HGNC )
FlyHumanDIOPT ScoreDIOPT RankBest HitBest Reverse Hit
ND-20L NDUFS7 13 Yes No
ND-20 NDUFS7 14 Yes Yes
Construct M{UAS-hNDUFS7.HA}
Accession JF432732
Ori Accession BC005954.1
Accession JF432732
Collection Well Status Note
Human ORF HumanORF 2|C|3 Available