origin of line
This line was made by the procedure described in Simcox et al. (see references). Properties of the line are described by Dequeant et al. in a paper in press in PNAS. A preprint can be viewed at http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/10/01/1517729112
Note about Simcox lab cell lines
All of the cell lines in our collection that were generated in the Simcox lab were established in Schneider's medium + 10% FCS, and were maintained in the Simcox lab in that medium, with trypsinization at each transfer. We grow all of these lines in M3+BPYE + 10% FCS; M3+BPYE (which we make in house) is very similar to Schneider's medium, but in our experience is more reliable than commercial Schneider's medium. All of the lines grow well in M3+BPYE + 10% FCS. The lines vary considerably in their properties, including the necessity of using trypsin for dislodging the cells from the substrate. Information for individual lines is given on the cell line webpages where it is available, and will be updated as we acquire more experience with these lines.
growth conditions for Ras[V12]-H7
This line adheres extremely strongly to the substrate. We recommend using trypsin for each transfer.
Ras[V12]-H7 cells are male, by criteria of roX gene expression and Sxl splicing (Stoiber et al., 2016, G3, in press).