CME W1 cl.8+ is a clone made in the Milner laboratory from CME W1.
tissue source
The line was derived from L3 wing discs (Currie et al., 1988). Transcriptome analysis suggests similarity to cells along the A/P boundary of the wing blade primordium, possibly at the D/V boundary (Cherbas et al., 2011).
Male by multiple criteria (Lee et al., 2014; link to data can be found in modENCODE data line accessible from the Details tab). The assignment was confirmed by roX gene expression and Sxl splicing (Stoiber et al., 2016, G3, in press).
Cell Maintenance
Maintain CME W1 cl.8 cell line between 2.0 x 10e6 cells/mL and 1.0 x 10e7 cells/mL.
Medium containing fly extract, it only good for up to 2 weeks to a month at 4 degree. Cl.8+ cells do not do well in medium containing fly extract older than a month.
modENCODE data
CME W1 cl.8+ is one of the four lines chosen for extensive analysis by the modENCODE project. Data on transcripts, protein binding sites and replication patterns are posted on FlyBase; transcriptome data are also available through the expression tool on the DGRC site.