source of S2-DRSC
This S2 isolate is the one routinely used for RNAi screens at the DRSC; it is referred to at the DRSC as "S2". Its relationship to the line we call "S2" (catalog #006) is not known.
Cell Maintenance
Maintain S2-DRSC cell line between 2.0 x 10e6 cells/mL - 1.0 x 10e7 cells/mL.
modENCODE data
S2-DRSC is one of the four lines chosen for extensive analysis by the modENCODE project. Data on transcripts, protein binding sites and replication patterns are posted on FlyBase; transcriptome data are also available through the expression tool on the DGRC site.
S2-DRSC cells are male, by criteria of the expression levels of roX gene, msl-2 and traF, and the splicing patterns of tra and Sxl (Lee et al., 2014). The assignment was confirmed by roX gene expression and Sxl splicing (Stoiber et al., 2016, G3, in press).